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2009-04-03 23:33:48
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Castlefest - Festival of Light 2009


Castlefest 2006
Castlefest 2006 / Castlefest07 (pictures)
/Other Conventions

Castlefest is a 3 day Medieval event in the gardens of castle Keukenhof in Lisse (between Haarlem and Leiden).
Friday 31st of July, Saturday 1st en Sunday 2nd August 2009

The example of this event comes from Germany. During three days the terrain of the castle will be transformed into a real life Medieval city with an extensive market and old crafts like blacksmiths, leather and sculpture. The daily life shall also be shaped up to the smallest detail. Visitors are invited to dress Medieval, to take part in workshops like felting and to taste of wicca- and Celtic rituals.

The atmosphere of the Medieval, where Gothic and fantasy also meet, is accompanied with live-shows of bands like Omnia.

A short explanation of the theme: Lughnasadh
Castlefest is a festival in honour of the sun, who was honoured by the Celts as the god Lugh. This god brought the people many good things. He taught us to grow grain and he heats the earth, so the corn can ripe and we have food. The old Celtic harvest feast is dedicated to this god. Up to this day heathens and Celtic celebrate this feast every year around the beginning of August, on Castlefest too!

But before the light comes darkness. That's why Friday there will be a Gothic day/evening with music in that style. This night is made possible in cooperation with the website . This dark night is closed with a big fireshow to announce the light.


To watch
- Kelvin Kalvus (alchemic acrobat en fireartist)
- Solstix (jugglers/fireshow)
- Las Fuegas (female fakirs and fire artists)
- Johannes de Nar
- Tan Elleil, Brouille Art & Cie (celtic tribal and paganfolk project)
- Abe de Verteller
- Clan MacBran (Shottish kamp)
- Woads (Celtic nederzetting)
- Celtica Asturiana (Northern-Spanish 'clan')

To listen
Dit keer krijgt Castlefest TWEE volwaardige muziek podia op het terrein, "the Village Stage" en "the Forest Stage"
- Omnia
- Scrum (Powerfolk from the Netherlands)
- Rabenschrey (PaganFolk from Germany)
- Valravn (Denmark, Farøer Eilands)
- leBocha (Balfolk from Belgium)
- Orfeo (NL)
- WirrWahr (DE)
- De Flierefluiter

To do
- Kunst op Straat (Art on Street)
- PurPure Fantasy Writers' Market
- Subcultures Gamestent
- Balfolk Dance workshops
- Castlefest Children's Kingdom
- Food and drink

To buy
56 stands so far

This all will take place in the garden of castle Keukenhof in Lisse.

DVD trailer 2007

Entrance prizes

From 12 year: € 15,00
Pass par tous: € 35,00

At the register
From 12 year: € 17,00
Pass par tous: € 38,00

Parking: € 3,50
Bus return NS Station Hillegom: € 3,50

/Other Conventions

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2005-02-25 [hji]: well I hope you like it Kim ;)

2005-02-25 [ilanyus]: it be english :D

2005-02-25 [hji]: yeah Kim wanted a translation so I did my best ^_^"

2005-02-25 [ilanyus]: hehe :P I should actually read this... I just saw the pictures... read the following words: 'lisse', 'keukenhof', 'medieval, gothic, fantasy event' and I was off sending messages to Robin (A)

2005-02-25 [hji]: lol

2005-02-27 [Augy]: did you translate the whole text frank? O.o

2005-02-27 [hji]: yeah... ^_^" I did I hope its a good translation tho

2005-02-27 [Augy]: I didn't read it, and even if I did, I wouldn't reconize a fault if it was dancing naked in front of me :p

2005-02-27 [ilanyus]: 0.o ...

2005-02-27 [Augy]: ok that's a bit uhhh overdreven? joost vertaal!! :P

2005-02-27 [ilanyus]: wat moet ik vertalen

2005-02-27 [Augy]: overdreven slimpie :p

2005-02-27 [ilanyus]: ow... exagerated (dont know if thats spelled right)

2005-02-27 [Augy]: "ok that's a bit exagerated, my english isn't THAT bad, is it?"

2005-02-27 [ilanyus]: :P maybe exaggerated ... hm

2005-02-27 [Augy]: yeah yeah whatever:P

2005-02-27 [hji]: lol where is a walking dictionary when you need one ;)

2005-02-27 [Augy]: *points to joost*

2005-02-27 [ilanyus]: *looks innocent*

2005-02-27 [Augy]: :P

2005-02-27 [SimpleEuph]: ^.^ Thank you Frank

2005-02-27 [hji]: your welcome sweets ^_^

2005-02-28 [SimpleEuph]: I love to create a fantasy fair over here.......I think iis a Medievil fair in the fall time.....Ill go with Lily

2005-02-28 [hji]: cool you should meak pics :D

2007-07-01 [Kuruni]: Who will go to 2007 Castlefest? i will be there with my own Stall.

2007-07-30 [Sunrose]: Really? Wow, that would be cool to see ^^'

2007-07-30 [Linderel]: Oh phooey, I'd like this. :(

2007-07-30 [Sunrose]: Ahwz :(
Well, maybe next year :)
And we have the Elf Fantasy Fair each April ( - Elf Fantasy Fair 2007) :)

2007-07-30 [Linderel]: Yah, perhaps. :3 I'll just start saving like mad :P

2007-08-01 [Acronymous]: Hhmmm :) Sorry to be a pain, but I wonder how Lugh, a Celtic god (so somewhere European) could have taught us to cultivate corn, unknown in Europe for some additional 1500 years until brought back from America ;) Maybe "cereal" could be less confusing ;) Still, happy Lughnasahd and Castlefest ;)

2007-08-02 [Linderel]: Someone mistranslated. I checked Wiktionary and my new Dutch-English dictionary and came to the conclusion that it should be 'grain' and not 'corn' in the translation. At least it would make more sense.

2007-08-02 [Sunrose]: It translated as both in mine.

2007-08-02 [Acronymous]: Well, it is all because the Americans call corn to maize instead calling it maize ;) Translation is very okay if done from a British English point of view (corn = grain) :)

2007-08-05 [Hedda]: Shouldn't be photos from this year? <img:>

2007-08-06 [Sunrose]: Pictures: Castlefest07! Feel free to add more ^^

2007-08-27 [Jitter]: Someday...*daydreams* some day I might visit such a faire *sigh*

2009-04-02 [Kuruni]: someday i will go back!

2009-04-02 [Sunrose]: That would be very cool :D

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